
Infor­ma­tion accord­ing to § 5 TMG:

Dr. Marek Fulde
Man­ag­ing Direc­tor / CEO
FLD Tech­nolo­gies GmbH

USt.ID.Nr DE311474218

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Respon­si­ble for the con­tent accord­ing to § 55 para. 2 RStV:
Dr. Marek Fulde
FLD Tech­nolo­gies GmbH

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Source: eRecht24

Con­cep­tion & real­iza­tion of this website

Com­pete GmbH
Inno­va­tion and Dig­i­tal Com­mu­ni­ca­tion

Goerdel­er Strasse 133
Ger­many 63071 Offen­bach am Main
Tel. +49 (0) 69 – 61 99 57 59


Logo and Favicon

Logo: ©FLDTech­nolo­gies

Image mate­r­i­al


Busi­ness Cou­ple Plan­ning a Meet­ing using Portable Device, Ljubl­jana Slove­nia, iStock-Fotografie-ID:589131386, Bild­nach­weis:san­jer

Hand­some cau­casian farmer in plaid shirt and jeans using tablet and look­ing at calves while stand­ing in sta­ble. iStock-Fotografie-ID:1184040597, Bild­nach­weis:dusan­petkovic

A pho­to of thought­ful busi­ness­woman seen through glass win­dow. Female pro­fes­sion­al is hold­ing diary. She is wear­ing for­mals in office. iStock-Fotografie-ID:1127470621, Bild­nach­weis:Por­tra

Woman work­ing on lap­top in the nature, she sit­ting on wood­en pier around beau­ti­ful moun­tain lake and using lap­top in the morn­ing. iStock-Fotografie-ID:1271108735, Bild­nach­weis: Revolu7ion93

Graph­ics / Icons:

Bio­masse-Lin­ie-Icon-Set. Enthal­ten die Sym­bole als Energie, Kraft­stoff, erneuer­bare, Tur­bine, Kraftwerk, Abfall und vieles mehr. – Vek­tor Illus­tra­tion, iStock-Illustration-ID:863401038, Bild­nach­weis ant­to­ho­ho

icon-Set in dünne Lin­ien­stil wech­seln – Vek­tor Illus­tra­tion, iStock-Illus­tra­tion-ID:865367468, Bild­nach­weis: slalomp

Sim­ple Set of Surge Pro­tec­tor Relat­ed Vec­tor Line Icons. Con­tains such Icons as Amer­i­can Euro­pean Sock­et, USB Charge, Child Pro­tec­tion and more. Editable Stroke. 48×48 Pix­el Per­fect. iStock-Illustration-ID:964576896, Bild­nach­weis:da-voo­da

Soil line icon set. Includ­ed the icons as earth, com­post, land, dirt, ground and more. iStock-Illustration-ID:1086811818, Bild­nach­weis:ant­to­ho­ho

Cloud com­put­ing line icon set. Set of line icons on white back­ground. Pro­gram­ming con­cept. Sys­tem, ser­vice, device. Vec­tor illus­tra­tion can be used for top­ics like tech­nol­o­gy, inter­net, com­put­er. iStock-Illustration-ID:1134478528, Bild­nach­weis: Sur­fUpVec­tor

Tech­nolo­gies Dis­rup­tion icon set. iStock-Illus­tra­tion-ID:1168544653, Bild­nach­weis:cre­ative­dox­fo­to

Clean, renew­able ener­gy line icons. iStock-Illustration-ID:1212723483, Bild­nach­weis:erayus

The­men­felder: Vorteile, Produkte:

Cer­tifi­cate of Ori­gin. iStock-Fotografie-ID:119082814, Bild­nach­weis:alexskop­je

Cogen­er­a­tion Plant. iStock-Fotografie-ID:463440833. Bild­nach­weis:quer­beet

Inte­ri­or out­let with a green plugged in cable. iStock-Fotografie-ID:489930428, Bild­nach­weis:Ralle

Iso­lat­ed 3d ren­der alter­na­tive ecol­o­gy hydro­gen con­cept with white back­ground. iStock-Fotografie-ID:523136663, Bild­nach­weis:Pet­mal

Bio­gas pro­duc­tion, bio­gas plant, bio pow­er. iStock-Fotografie-ID:1153197188, Bild­nach­weis:Ani­maflo­ra

Radi­a­tor ther­mo­stat valve set to num­ber three icon (mid­dle posi­tion), sym­bol for sav­ing mon­ey at heat­ing costs or medi­um tem­per­a­ture set­ting, close­up, hor­i­zon­tal for­mat, copy space. iStock-Fotografie-ID:1182011056, Bild­nach­weis:Sebas­t­ian Frank

Abstract sym­bol for cli­mate as text with grass tex­ture in front of back­ground. iStock-Fotografie-ID:1199468726, Bild­nach­weis:Roc­co-Her­rmann

Cloud com­put­ing and net­work secu­ri­ty con­cept, 3d rendering,conceptual image. iStock-Fotografie-ID:1204545808, Bild­nach­weis:Andy

Detail of a new indus­tri­al plant with pipes and silo made of met­al — part of a bio­gas plant. iStock-Fotografie-ID:1222996724, Bild­nach­weis:RobertSchnei­der

Black acti­vat­ed char­coal pow­der in a glass. Super­food, ingre­di­ent for cos­met­ics and veg­an, veg­e­tar­i­an food, detox con­cept. Gray back­ground. Copy space, selec­tive focus. iStock-Fotografie-ID:1238516198, Bild­nach­weis:Anna Chap­ly­gi­na

Indus­tri­al tech­nol­o­gy con­cept. Com­mu­ni­ca­tion net­work. INDUS­TRY 4.0. Fac­to­ry automa­tion. iStock-Fotografie-ID:1249307293, Bild­nach­weis:meta­mor­works

Hydro­gen cylin­ders on trans­port vehi­cle. Image-ID: imago0055598559h